Monday, September 28, 2009

Arkansas Go Local

Arkansas Go Local collects information on health services from all 75 counties in Arkansas. It includes information on organizations, agencies, or groups that provide social, educational, health and human services. Examples include state and local health departments, medical centers and clinics, nursing homes, pharmacies, health care equipment providers, libraries, local voluntary health agency chapters, and support groups by location or type of service. Search the database by location or type of service. Find out more...

Friday, September 25, 2009

Friday@Noon: What's New in Wimba Classroom 6.0?

Friday, October 2, 2009
Noon - 1pm

Presented by Keith Freeman, Office of Educational Development

Many instructors consider live, personal interaction to be the most valuable element of teaching and learning. Wimba Classroom allows educators and students to build relationships by combining interactive technologies with instructional best practices.

Educators and students can engage in verbal and nonverbal communication to increase psychological closeness among learners. Designed exclusively for education, Wimba Classroom focuses attention on the content and speaker, not on the technology.

This session will cover:
--Do More with your MP4 – Easily create and distribute MP4 files to an iPhone, Blackboard, YouTube or even Facebook so students can access content anytime, anyplace.
--Lecture Capture – Capturing classroom activity and making it available for review and reuse strengthens student comprehension. Record the audio, video, chat, whiteboard or simply capture the traditional offline lecture environment.

Brought to you by the Teaching with Technology Committee

ADH Flu Clinic Sites Throughout Arkansas

Just in from the Arkansas Department of Health.
This information might be useful for students and their families.

Seasonal Mass Flu Clinic Sites - PDF (added 09.24.09)
If you do not find the date, location or time for the mass clinic in your county, please keep checking this site. Information will be updated as details become available.

School Clinic Sites - PDF (added 09.24.09)

For more information on flu, call the ADH hotline at 1-800-651-3493

Monday, September 14, 2009

EBM Flu Information

Due to the global outbreak of Pandemic H1N1 Influenza and concerns about the 2009/2010 flu season, EBSCO Publishing (EBSCO) and our medical and nursing editors, for such resources as DynaMed™, Nursing Reference Center™ and Patient Education Reference Center™, have made the pertinent influenza information from these resources available for free to health care providers worldwide. This site includes more than 50 evidence-based topics including patient education information in 17 languages. It has sections for Clinicians, Nurses and Patients.