Problems have been reported using the current version of Write-N-Cite with Word 2007. You may get a message saying that a bibliography cannot be created. If you get such a message, download the new Write-N-Cite III for Windows (Beta Version). This can be found under Tools, Write-N-Cite when you are logged into your account. You will see a Write-N-Cite III section with a link for downloading and a link for information on using this new version.
Tip: Word needs to be closed while you download W-N-C.
"Write-N-Cite III for Windows (Beta Version) is now available to all Windows users. This beta version includes: MS Vista and Word 2007 compatability, Also compatible with XP and Word 2003, Single document formatting, Faster formatting for large documents. Current WNC for Windows users can use WNC III on old documents, however, the documents must be converted to a WNC III format which can be done within the WNC III beta version."
More information is available on the RefWorks Download Write-N-Cite page.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
RefWorks Write-N-Cite Updates
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